Thursday, May 24, 2007

Spanish-Handouts-Approches to Learning

Well at least he gave us handouts and that means Approches to Learning because I learned how to write and prenounce spanish.
Well in spanish we really didn't do any projects but we still learned a lot. Well learned how to use verbs in the right way. But still every day we had to take a test after the lesson.

Art-Free drawing-Homo Faber

Well what I learned in this class was that how to free draw and how to make my own decions what to draw.It relates to homo faber because I Finally understand how people create objects.
In art class it helped me very much. It showed me how to apperciate art and life and how we love and even how our culture separetes us from the rest. But still I had lots of fun in the class.

P.E.-Playing sports-Health and social education

Well still it made me forces myself more than usual. And the reason why it connects to Health and social education is brecause it makes me react faster.
Well as many people say pe is the best class. And I kind of agree with them. But I also got a good advantage out of it because it helped me practice and get better in basketball because I was in the team already. So I want to thank P.E.. Thank you ,Domo Arigato Mister Couch.

Technology-handouts-Homo Faber

It is also helpful because it will help me in my future job as a computer programer.
One of my favorite classes, Technology or as some
people may call it computer class. It is my favorite because I get to
learn how a computer works, what is inside a computer, how to use a
blogger, and much more. But also to me it is easy but some times
challenging. And also because I love computers.

Social Studies-amendments-community and service

It is also helpful because it will help me in my future job as a computer programer.
The small project of learning the first ten amendments was caused by Ms.Prager. this project helped me very much because I didn't know that we had so much right in our control. And it also helped me because we had to takke a quiz on them to see if we knew them all. And also I am thnkful because maybe they will be on the final IA this year. And that is important because it will show how much we have learned.
It is also helpful because it will help me in my future job as a computer programer.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Language Arts-200vocabulary-Approaches to learning

This helped me because I got to learn them all so it can help me in the future or even in eighth grade and that is why it connects to Approaches to learning.
I learned a lot in Language Arts. For exaple that we learned how to write a 300 word essay and also we learned to write a compare and contrast essay. And also we learned 200 vocabulary words that we had to learn before we took the Writing and Reading TAKS.And also he made us read very good books.

Math-Order of operation-Approaches to learning

Well this coonects to Approaches to learning because it will help me in the eighth grade math class or even hirer grades.
Order of Operation

It seems that each student interpreted the problem differently, resulting in two different answers. Student 1 performed the operation of addition first, then multiplication; whereas student 2 performed multiplication first, then addition. When performing arithmetic operations there can be only one correct answer. We need a set of rules in order to avoid this kind of confusion. Mathematicians have devised a standard order of operations for calculations involving more than one arithmetic operation.

Rule 1: First perform any calculations inside parentheses.
Rule 2: Next perform all multiplications and divisions, working from left to right.
Rule 3: Lastly, perform all additions and subtractions, working from left to right.